Πέμπτη 9 Απριλίου 2015

HIIT Pyramid Challenge

HIIT Pyramid Challenge

This workout is a combination of all the essentials you’ll need for the perfect workout. The ladder routine will help strengthen and condition your muscles. Exercises are paired off, so while you work one, the opposing muscle rests. This is the HIIT aspect, where you work nonstop to get fat blasting results.
Pyramid workouts help to push your muscles to the limit and this HIIT workout combo will not disappoint. Equipment Needed: set of light weights (3-5 lbs), yoga mat or soft surface
What to Do: Workouts are paired off. Perform 1 rep of A followed by 1 rep of B. Next perform 2 reps of A followed by 2 reps of B. Continue to add 1 rep. Once you hit 10 for A and B, reverse the number of reps; 9, 8, etc. Rest 30 seconds and jump into the next pair.
Beginner’s Level: Complete 1 round
Intermediate Level: Complete 2 rounds
Advanced Level: Complete 3 rounds
Pair 1
A. Bicep Curl
B. Tricep Kickback
Pair 2
A. Chest Press
B. Bend-Over Row
Pair 3
A. Crunches
B. Leg Lifts
Pair 4
A. Shoulder Press
B. Front Lateral Raises
Pair 5
A. Dumbbell Squat Jumps
B. Stiff Leg Deadlift

Read more at http://skinnyms.com/hiit-pyramid-challenge/#Kg4Zi14kSxTRQtS2.99

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