Τρίτη 14 Απριλίου 2015

27 Ways to Lose Weight Permanently
  1. Plan your meals for the entire week to avoid last-minute takeout temptation. Learn which Foods to Avoid and Foods to Include in Meal Planning.
  2. Keep tabs on your food consumption with a journal. Staying accountable, in writing, is a great way to avoid temptation.
  3. Don’t skip meals. Blood sugar crashes are sure to have you raiding the vending machines at work!
    27 Ways to Lose Weight Permanently
  4. Eat breakfast. Every day. Fueling your body at the start of the day will help you avoid unhealthy mid-morning snacks.
  5. Eat 4-6 small meals a day. Keeping hunger at bay means maintaining control of your diet.
  6. Serve yourself on smaller plates. The smaller the plate, the smaller the portion!
  7. Learn and use proper portion sizes. What is a Portion Size?
  8. Eat fruits and veggies with every meal. These nutrient-rich foods will keep you filled up and satisfied.
  9. Consume more fiber to feel full, longer.
  10. Reach for foods that act as natural appetite suppressants. Learn 10 Foods to Curb Your Appetite.
  11. Snack smart. Stock up on these Whole Food Snacks.
  12. Take snacks when you’re on-the-go to avoid junk food temptations. Try these Easy Grab-n-Go No Bake Bars.
  13. Ditch the soda habit, including diet drinks. Swap in these 4 Healthy Alternatives to Diet Sodas.
    27 Ways to Lose Weight Permanently
  14. Hydrate your body with plenty of water.
  15. Make takeout a “sometimes” treat.
  16. Don’t eat in front of a glowing screen (that includes your smartphone). Paying attention to what you eat will leave you feeling more satisfied.
  17. Learn to read nutrition labels. Check out Quick Tips in Deciphering Food Labels.
  18. Exercise most days of the week.
  19. Keep an exercise journal. Take the 30-Day Fitness Journal Challenge.
  20. Find an exercise buddy who will help motivate you.
  21. Vary workouts so that you don’t get bored.
    27 Ways to Lose Weight Permanently
  22. Motivate yourself and get the body moving with awesome tunes. Try Top 10 Pandora Stations for Workouts.
  23. Buy a pedometer to wear every day. See 5 Can-Do Tips for Walking 10,000 Steps a Day.
  24. Do the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
  25. Reward yourself with non-food treats for meeting fitness goals. (Pedicure, anyone?)
  26. Track progress by regularly weighing or measuring yourself.
  27. Limit time in front of the TV and other tech distractions. Get moving instead.

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