Σάββατο 14 Μαρτίου 2015

Modern Hero Diet

Modern Hero Diet

The Modern Hero Diet is a balanced flexible diet for every day designed for weight loss and weight maintenance depending on the level you choose to do it on. You don’t have to count calories but there are quantity restrictions for certain foods - meat, poultry, fish, rice, pasta, potatoes, beans and dairy. The mealplan is based on portion control and large gaps between meals. You can pick any of the options per each meal - you don't have to try them all.
Only meat, poultry, fish, rice, pasta, beans, potatoes and dairy have amount restrictions, all vegetables (except potatoes) can be added, replaced or removed to and from any of the meal options. You can use beef instead of pork, turkey instead of chicken and vice versa.
The mealplan gives you a lot of room and allows you to consume pretty much anything in small amounts except sweets, alcohol and junk food. Bread is only allowed in Meal A and only in small amounts: 2 small slices, 1 bun or 1 tortilla wrap per day maximum.
How to use the chart
Each day starts with breakfast then depending on your day, your workload or just preference you can go with meal A or meal B (one of the 8 options) or a snack. Depending on the option you picked follow the formula through.
formula #1 Breakfast + Meal A + Meal B
If you pack lunch or can have a break and have a sandwich you should go with formula #1, it allows you to have lunch and then light dinner in the evening.

formula #2 Breakfast + Meal B + Snack
Formula #2 is perfect for days when you are taking it easy and not doing a lot of training. You have light lunch or light dinner with Meal B and then a snack later on in the evening.
formula #3 Breakfast + Snack + Meal C
If you have a busy day and you don't have time to have lunch, you should go with formula #3, it allows you to have a small snack and then a large filling meal in the evening.
The timing of each meal is not important but try to have large gaps between each meal to let your body also run on its reserves for a time - it should be a minimum of 5 hours between meals. If you are not used to large gaps it might be tough in the beginning but you'll get used to it. You can have a small low fat Greek yogurt with cinnamon extra late at night if you are very hungry in addition to the chart.
Level I: There is no quantity restriction on level I and this level is suitable for weight maintenance, muscle building and keeping to a balanced and healthy eating pattern.  Pick this level if you train over an hour a day.
Level II: Pick level II if you do moderate or intense exercise and want to reduce your body fat %
Level III: Pick level III if you do light or no exercise and want to lose weight through a balanced healthy eating but reduced portion sizes.
The portion quantities are given per item. e.g, on level II you can have up to 280g of cooked rice and up to 280g of fish. All quantities are for cooked food. 
Optional Fruit or Smoothie: You can have a small smoothie or a piece of fruit every morning in addition to your breakfast. This is not a must but it is recommended to hit your 5-a-day.
The Modern Hero Diet has no end date and you can keep it up for as long as you want. You can have a “legal” no sabotage cheatmeal depending on the level you have picked:
Level I: Once a week
Level II: Once every two weeks
Level III: Once a month

Modern Hero Diet

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