Warmup Exercises for Beginners
Warm up is an essential part of any workout as this helps reduce the
risk of injuries during the work out stage and at the same time improve
your performance for each of the exercise routines that you’re going to
perform. Warm-ups usually take 15 minutes and with your muscles ready
for the stress of your exercise program, you’ll be able to execute each
set perfectly.

For those who are just beginning to work out and don’t know what warm up exercise to do, here are a few examples worth trying.
1. Head Rotation
Stand up with your legs straight. Your feet should be shoulder-width
apart with your hands at your sides. Rotate your head clockwise then
counterclockwise. Do 20 repetitions.
2. Forearm Rotation
Again stand up with your legs straight and feet shoulder-width apart.
Raise your hands until they are the same level as your shoulders.
Rotate your forearm inwards for 30 seconds then 30 seconds outwards.
3. Arm Rotation
Remain in the same position as the first two warm up exercises with
your arms straight at your sides. Rotate both arms in a clockwise manner
for 20 seconds and another 20 seconds counterclockwise. Rotate one arm
clockwise while the other in a counterclockwise manner for 20 seconds.
4. Jumping Jacks
If you really want to get your blood pumping, do jumping jacks 50
times. Make sure that you really get into the moment by pulling your
shoulder blades back and extend your arms as much as you can.
5. Jump Rope
Another warm up exercise that will help increase your heart rate. You should jump rope for 2 to 3 minutes.
6. Body Weight Squats
Stand with your feet a bit wider than your hips. Point your toes
slightly outward around 5 to 20 degrees. Make sure that your back is
straight and your spine in neutral position. Your shoulders and chest
should be up. As you lower yourself down, see to it that your knees are
in line with your feet. You should squat down until you hip joints are
lower than your knees.
7. Shoulders Rotation
Start by positioning your legs shoulder width apart with your arms at
your sides. Rotate both your shoulders in a clockwise and counter
clockwise motion for 20 repetitions.
8. Lunges
Stand up with your legs straight and arms placed on your hips. Lunge
forward on your right foot bending at the knee with your left leg
extended behind you. Do this 5 times before switching to the other leg.
9. Push-ups
Go on a plank position. Keep your core tight and the rest of your
body straight as you lower yourself down by bending your elbows slowly.
Repeat 10 or 20 times depending on your skills.
10. Torso Swings
Start by standing up straight and your feet shoulder width apart. You
should bend your torso forward at a 90 degree angle with your left hand
reaching for your right foot. Go back to your original position then
hinge forward with your right hand touching your left foot. Do 15
repetitions for each side.
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