The Quick and Dirty Upper-Body Workout
To warm up, perform 5 minutes of moderate cardio (such as jogging, jumping rope, or cycling). Complete 3 rounds of circuit 1, then rest for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Boost your heart rate again by running or walking 1/4 mile. Then complete 3 rounds of circuit 2, followed by a cool-down stretch—and you're done.
Circuit 1

1. Overhead Press
12 reps
Hold a set of dumbbells and create 90-degree angles with
each arm so upper arms are parallel to the ground and dumbbells are at
about head height. As you exhale, press the weights overhead (without
clanking the weights together). Return to the starting position, not
letting elbows droop below shoulder height to keep some resistance.

2. Triceps Kickback
12 reps
Hinge forward from your hips, keeping core tight and flat
back. Bending elbows, glue your upper arms to your sides. On an exhale,
straighten your arms as much as possible. Inhale to bend elbows back to
starting position. Be sure to maintain a neutral spine and neck

3. Chest Press
12 reps
Lie faceup on a mat. Bring elbows out in line with
shoulders to create a 90-degree angle. Press the weights up without
clanking them together, focusing on engaging the muscles in your chest.
Lower weights back to the starting position.
Circuit 2

1. Side Plank With Lateral Raise
12 reps per side
Start in a side plank (either full or modified by keeping
your bottom knee on the floor) and hold a light dumbbell in your top
hand. Bring weight in front of the center of your core. Keeping your arm
slightly bent, lift weight up to shoulder height. Return to starting
position. For even more of a challenge, you can lift your top leg and
touch it to the weight between each rep.

2. Push-Up
15 reps
in plank position with hands planted directly under shoulders (slightly
wider than shoulder-width apart). Ground your toes into the floor to
stabilize the bottom half of your body. Keeping your spine
straight (don't lift hips, and keep neck in line with your spine instead
of dropping it forward) and knuckles pressing into the floor, lower
your body until your chest almost grazes the floor. Exhale as you press
back up.

3. Triceps Dip
15 reps
You can perform these on a bench (hands on the bench, feet on the floor) or on the floor. Point your fingertips toward your toes and bend
your elbows, making sure to keep your hips lifted. Straighten your arms
by engaging your triceps. For an added challenge, straighten your legs,
balance on only one leg, or place a flat weight on your lap.

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