27 Ways to Lose Weight Permanently
- Plan your meals for the entire week to avoid last-minute takeout temptation. Learn which Foods to Avoid and Foods to Include in Meal Planning.
- Keep tabs on your food consumption with a journal. Staying accountable, in writing, is a great way to avoid temptation.
- Don’t skip meals. Blood sugar crashes are sure to have you raiding the vending machines at work!
- Eat breakfast. Every day. Fueling your body at the start of the day will help you avoid unhealthy mid-morning snacks.
- Eat 4-6 small meals a day. Keeping hunger at bay means maintaining control of your diet.
- Serve yourself on smaller plates. The smaller the plate, the smaller the portion!
- Learn and use proper portion sizes. What is a Portion Size?
- Eat fruits and veggies with every meal. These nutrient-rich foods will keep you filled up and satisfied.
- Consume more fiber to feel full, longer.
- Reach for foods that act as natural appetite suppressants. Learn 10 Foods to Curb Your Appetite.
- Snack smart. Stock up on these Whole Food Snacks.
- Take snacks when you’re on-the-go to avoid junk food temptations. Try these Easy Grab-n-Go No Bake Bars.
- Ditch the soda habit, including diet drinks. Swap in these 4 Healthy Alternatives to Diet Sodas.
- Hydrate your body with plenty of water.
- Make takeout a “sometimes” treat.
- Don’t eat in front of a glowing screen (that includes your smartphone). Paying attention to what you eat will leave you feeling more satisfied.
- Learn to read nutrition labels. Check out Quick Tips in Deciphering Food Labels.
- Exercise most days of the week.
- Keep an exercise journal. Take the 30-Day Fitness Journal Challenge.
- Find an exercise buddy who will help motivate you.
- Vary workouts so that you don’t get bored.
- Motivate yourself and get the body moving with awesome tunes. Try Top 10 Pandora Stations for Workouts.
- Buy a pedometer to wear every day. See 5 Can-Do Tips for Walking 10,000 Steps a Day.
- Do the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
- Reward yourself with non-food treats for meeting fitness goals. (Pedicure, anyone?)
- Track progress by regularly weighing or measuring yourself.
- Limit time in front of the TV and other tech distractions. Get moving instead.
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