Σάββατο 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2015
Μεσα στο μυαλο του kettlebell
Απο τη Ρωσια με Ατσαλι

ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ: Το πρόγραμμα χωρίζεται σε δύο προπονήσεις: Α και Β. Κάνε τις δύο προπονήσεις 3 φορές την εβδομάδα εναλλάξ με μία μέρα ξεκούραση ενδιάμεσα. Δηλαδή, Δευτέρα την Α, Τετάρτη τη Β, Παρασκευή την Α, Δευτέρα τη Β, κ.ο.κ. Extra tip: Ξεκίνα τις ασκήσεις με το αδύναμο χέρι.

Clean & πιεσεις ωμων
Εκτέλεσε αιώρηση με το ένα χέρι [Α], αλλά πριν ολοκληρωθεί η κίνηση, μόλις το kettlebell περάσει το σώμα, τράβα το κοντά σου, κάμπτοντας τον αγκώνα και περνώντας την παλάμη μέσα από τη λαβή [Β]. Το kettlebell θα πρέπει να σταθεροποιείται ανάμεσα στο δικέφαλο και τον πήχη. Το σώμα -και ιδιαίτερα γλουτοί, πόδια και κοιλιακοί- πρέπει να είναι σφικτοί. Από αυτήν τη θέση πάρε εισπνοή και σήκωσε το kettlebell προς τα πάνω τεντώνοντας το χέρι [Γ]. Κατέβασε το kettlebell στην αρχική θέση με τον ίδιο ακριβώς τρόπο.

Βαθυ καθισμα με το kettlebell αναμεσα στους μηρους
Πιάσε το kettlebell με τα χέρια από τη λαβή και σήκωσέ το στο ύψος του στήθους. Οι αγκώνες πρέπει να κοιτάνε προς τα κάτω και να είναι όσο το δυνατόν πιο κοντά στο σώμα. Τα πόδια να είναι ανοιχτά στο πλάτος των ώμων. Εκτέλεσε βαθύ κάθισμα μέχρι οι αγκώνες να ακουμπήσουν στο εσωτερικό άνω μέρος των γονάτων [Α]. Με τα χέρια να ακουμπάνε στα γόνατα, κάμψε τους αγκώνες ώστε το kettlebell να πλησιάσει το έδαφος [Β]. Φέρε το πάλι κοντά σου. Σήκω σε όρθια στάση και σήκωσε το kettlebell πάνω από το κεφάλι σου [Γ].

Στάσου σε θέση προβολής με το δεξί πόδι μπροστά, το αριστερό πίσω και το kettlebell να ακουμπά στο πάτωμα, ανάμεσα στα πόδια - η λαβή του να είναι παράλληλη με το σώμα σου. Σκύψε και πιάσε με το αριστερό χέρι το kettlebell [Α]. Σήκωσέ το προς τα πάνω και προς τα πλάγια - το χέρι να κινείται στο σώμα κι ο αγκώνας να ανέβει όσο πιο ψηλά γίνεται [Β]. Κατέβασέ το πάλι εκπνέοντας.

Στάσου λίγο πιο πίσω από το kettlebell με τα πόδια ανοιχτά στο πλάτος των ώμων. Πήγαινε πίσω τους γοφούς και πιάσε τη λαβή με τα χέρια [Α]. Τράβα το kettlebell προς τα πίσω, ανάμεσα στα πόδια, και με μία εκρηκτική κίνηση φέρε τους γοφούς μπροστά, ώστε το σώμα να έρθει σε όρθια στάση. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, το kettlebell θα έρθει περίπου στο ύψος των ώμων [Β]. Επίστρεψε στην αρχική στάση κι επανάλαβε.

Get up
Ξάπλωσε ανάσκελα κρατώντας ένα kettlebell στο αριστερό σου χέρι. Φέρε το πάνω από το στήθος με τεντωμένο το χέρι [Α]. Λύγισε το αριστερό πόδι, φέρε το κοντά σου και άνοιξέ το 20-30° προς τα έξω [Β]. Ανοιξε το δεξί χέρι και πιέζοντας με το αριστερό πόδι, σήκωσε τον κορμό σου προς τα πάνω [Γ]. Είσαι σε θέση προβολής με το αριστερό πόδι μπροστά, έχοντας το αριστερό χέρι τεντωμένο προς τα πάνω να κοιτάει ευθεία. Σήκω όρθιος [Δ] και κάνε τις ανάποδες κινήσεις μέχρι να επιστρέψεις στην αρχική θέση.

Εκτέλεσε αιώρηση, αλλά φρόντισε η τροχιά της κίνησης του kettlebell να είναι κοντά στο σώμα [Α]. Μόλις το kettlebell φτάσει στο ανώτατο σημείο της τροχιάς του, λίγο πάνω από τους ώμους, άνοιξε την παλάμη και πέρνα τη μέσα από τη λαβή [Β]. Ταυτόχρονα τέντωσε το χέρι για να βρεθεί στην τελική θέση των πιέσεων [Γ].

Κίνηση Ορειβάτη
Στάσου σε θέση κάμψης με τα πόδια λίγο πιο ανοιχτά από το πλάτος των ώμων, στηριζόμενος στις λαβές δύο kettlebell [Α]. Σήκωσε το δεξί kettlebell και μετάφερέ το λίγο πιο μπροστά [Β]. Μετακίνησε και το δεξί πόδι μπροστά κι επανάλαβε στην αριστερή πλευρά [Γ].

ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ: Το πρόγραμμα χωρίζεται σε δύο προπονήσεις: Α και Β. Κάνε τις δύο προπονήσεις 3 φορές την εβδομάδα εναλλάξ με μία μέρα ξεκούραση ενδιάμεσα. Δηλαδή, Δευτέρα την Α, Τετάρτη τη Β, Παρασκευή την Α, Δευτέρα τη Β, κ.ο.κ. Extra tip: Ξεκίνα τις ασκήσεις με το αδύναμο χέρι.
ένα kettlebell με το οποίο μπορείς να κάνεις το πολύ 5 επαναλήψεις και
κάνε για τα επόμενα 15’ τον παρακάτω κύκλο ασκήσεων: 1 clean & 1
πίεση ώμων εναλλάσσοντας τα χέρια και σε κάθε κύκλο βάζε άλλη 1 πίεση
ώμων. Ξεκουράσου όσο θέλεις, αλλά φρόντισε στα 15’ να κάνεις τουλάχιστον
3 κύκλους. Oταν τελειώσεις, ξεκουράσου 2’-3’ και πάρε ένα kettlebell με
το οποίο μπορείς να κάνεις το πολύ 10 επαναλήψεις. Κάνε για 15’ τις
επόμενες ασκήσεις συνεχόμενα: βαθύ κάθισμα με το kettlebell ανάμεσα
στους μηρούς (5-6 επαναλήψεις), κωπηλατική με το δεξί και το αριστερό
(5-6 επαναλήψεις). Oταν τελειώσεις, ξεκουράσου 2’-3’ και πάρε το
kettlebell της πρώτης άσκησης. Κάνε για 10’ αιωρήσεις με 20’’-40’’
ξεκούραση ανάμεσά τους. Αν είσαι προχωρημένος, αύξησε το διάστημα των
αιωρήσεων και μείωσε τον χρόνο ξεκούρασης.
Clean & πιεσεις ωμων
Εκτέλεσε αιώρηση με το ένα χέρι [Α], αλλά πριν ολοκληρωθεί η κίνηση, μόλις το kettlebell περάσει το σώμα, τράβα το κοντά σου, κάμπτοντας τον αγκώνα και περνώντας την παλάμη μέσα από τη λαβή [Β]. Το kettlebell θα πρέπει να σταθεροποιείται ανάμεσα στο δικέφαλο και τον πήχη. Το σώμα -και ιδιαίτερα γλουτοί, πόδια και κοιλιακοί- πρέπει να είναι σφικτοί. Από αυτήν τη θέση πάρε εισπνοή και σήκωσε το kettlebell προς τα πάνω τεντώνοντας το χέρι [Γ]. Κατέβασε το kettlebell στην αρχική θέση με τον ίδιο ακριβώς τρόπο.

Βαθυ καθισμα με το kettlebell αναμεσα στους μηρους
Πιάσε το kettlebell με τα χέρια από τη λαβή και σήκωσέ το στο ύψος του στήθους. Οι αγκώνες πρέπει να κοιτάνε προς τα κάτω και να είναι όσο το δυνατόν πιο κοντά στο σώμα. Τα πόδια να είναι ανοιχτά στο πλάτος των ώμων. Εκτέλεσε βαθύ κάθισμα μέχρι οι αγκώνες να ακουμπήσουν στο εσωτερικό άνω μέρος των γονάτων [Α]. Με τα χέρια να ακουμπάνε στα γόνατα, κάμψε τους αγκώνες ώστε το kettlebell να πλησιάσει το έδαφος [Β]. Φέρε το πάλι κοντά σου. Σήκω σε όρθια στάση και σήκωσε το kettlebell πάνω από το κεφάλι σου [Γ].

Στάσου σε θέση προβολής με το δεξί πόδι μπροστά, το αριστερό πίσω και το kettlebell να ακουμπά στο πάτωμα, ανάμεσα στα πόδια - η λαβή του να είναι παράλληλη με το σώμα σου. Σκύψε και πιάσε με το αριστερό χέρι το kettlebell [Α]. Σήκωσέ το προς τα πάνω και προς τα πλάγια - το χέρι να κινείται στο σώμα κι ο αγκώνας να ανέβει όσο πιο ψηλά γίνεται [Β]. Κατέβασέ το πάλι εκπνέοντας.

Στάσου λίγο πιο πίσω από το kettlebell με τα πόδια ανοιχτά στο πλάτος των ώμων. Πήγαινε πίσω τους γοφούς και πιάσε τη λαβή με τα χέρια [Α]. Τράβα το kettlebell προς τα πίσω, ανάμεσα στα πόδια, και με μία εκρηκτική κίνηση φέρε τους γοφούς μπροστά, ώστε το σώμα να έρθει σε όρθια στάση. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, το kettlebell θα έρθει περίπου στο ύψος των ώμων [Β]. Επίστρεψε στην αρχική στάση κι επανάλαβε.
ένα kettlebell με το οποίο μπορείς να κάνεις το πολύ 5 επαναλήψεις και
κάνε 1 Get up με κάθε χέρι. Ξεκουράσου 2’-3’ και με το ίδιο kettlebell
κάνε για 15’ 3-5 Snatch με κάθε χέρι, ξεκουράσου 40’’-1’ κι επανάλαβε.
Μόλις τελειώσεις, πάρε δύο kettlebell της πρώτης άσκησης και κάνε την
άσκηση ενδυνάμωσης κορμού Κίνηση Ορειβάτη για 10 λεπτά.
Get up
Ξάπλωσε ανάσκελα κρατώντας ένα kettlebell στο αριστερό σου χέρι. Φέρε το πάνω από το στήθος με τεντωμένο το χέρι [Α]. Λύγισε το αριστερό πόδι, φέρε το κοντά σου και άνοιξέ το 20-30° προς τα έξω [Β]. Ανοιξε το δεξί χέρι και πιέζοντας με το αριστερό πόδι, σήκωσε τον κορμό σου προς τα πάνω [Γ]. Είσαι σε θέση προβολής με το αριστερό πόδι μπροστά, έχοντας το αριστερό χέρι τεντωμένο προς τα πάνω να κοιτάει ευθεία. Σήκω όρθιος [Δ] και κάνε τις ανάποδες κινήσεις μέχρι να επιστρέψεις στην αρχική θέση.

Εκτέλεσε αιώρηση, αλλά φρόντισε η τροχιά της κίνησης του kettlebell να είναι κοντά στο σώμα [Α]. Μόλις το kettlebell φτάσει στο ανώτατο σημείο της τροχιάς του, λίγο πάνω από τους ώμους, άνοιξε την παλάμη και πέρνα τη μέσα από τη λαβή [Β]. Ταυτόχρονα τέντωσε το χέρι για να βρεθεί στην τελική θέση των πιέσεων [Γ].

Κίνηση Ορειβάτη
Στάσου σε θέση κάμψης με τα πόδια λίγο πιο ανοιχτά από το πλάτος των ώμων, στηριζόμενος στις λαβές δύο kettlebell [Α]. Σήκωσε το δεξί kettlebell και μετάφερέ το λίγο πιο μπροστά [Β]. Μετακίνησε και το δεξί πόδι μπροστά κι επανάλαβε στην αριστερή πλευρά [Γ].
7 Day Ab Challenge
What to Do: Perform 4 circuits of the following
routine. Perform each workout for 20 seconds and rest 10 seconds
between exercises. The Fabulous Abs in 30 Days workout is designed to
hit every angle of the abdominal s. Perform the routine below 3 times
weekly over the next 30 days. For example, perform the workout on
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
1. Leg Lifts
2. Scissor Kicks
3. Plank
4. Flutter Kicks
5. Reverse Crunch
6. Mason Twist
1. Leg Lifts
2. Scissor Kicks
3. Plank
4. Flutter Kicks
5. Reverse Crunch
6. Mason Twist
Sweet and Sour Pork
Sweet and Sour Pork
This dish can surely be enjoyed by your family because of the combination of sweet and sour taste and savory of the pork.
– 1/4 cup soy sauce
– 1 1/2 tablespoon dry sherry
– 2 tablespoon sugar
– 1 egg yolk
– 2 pounds boneless lean pork, cut into 1- inch pieces
– 10 tablespoons cornstarch, divided
– 1 can (20 ounces) pineapple chunks in syrup
– 1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
– 3 tablespoons tomato sauce
– 1 cup water
– 1 large yellow onion, thinly sliced
– 8 green onions, diagonally cut into 1- inch pieces
– 1 red bell pepper, chopped
– 1 green bell pepper
– 4 ounces fresh mushrooms, cut into squares
– 2 stalks celery diagonally cut into 1/2 inch slices
– 1 medium cucumber seeded and cut into 1/4 inch wide pieces
1. For marinade, combine soy sauce, sherry, sugar and egg yolk in large bowl. Add pork; mix to coat well. Cover and refrigerate 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
2. Drain pork, reserving marinade. Place 8 tablespoons of the
cornstarch into large bowl. Add pork pieces; toss to coat well. Heat 3
cups of the oil in a wok or large skillet over high heat to 375°F. Add
1/2 of pork pieces until brown, about 5 minutes. Drain on paper towels.
Repeat with remaining pork.
3. Drain pineapple, reserving syrup. Combine the syrup, reserved soy sauce marinade, vinegar and tomato sauce in a small bowl. Blend remaining 2 tablespoons cornstarch and the water in another small bowl.
4. Heat remaining 3 tablespoons oil in wok over high heat. Add all vegetables and stir-fry 3 minutes. Add pineapple syrup mixture and cornstarch mixture; cook and stir until sauce boils and thickens. Add pork and pineapple; stir- fry until heated through.
Serve with hot white rice and enjoy!
– 1/4 cup soy sauce
– 1 1/2 tablespoon dry sherry
– 2 tablespoon sugar
– 1 egg yolk
– 2 pounds boneless lean pork, cut into 1- inch pieces
– 10 tablespoons cornstarch, divided
– 1 can (20 ounces) pineapple chunks in syrup
– 1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
– 3 tablespoons tomato sauce
– 1 cup water
– 1 large yellow onion, thinly sliced
– 8 green onions, diagonally cut into 1- inch pieces
– 1 red bell pepper, chopped
– 1 green bell pepper
– 4 ounces fresh mushrooms, cut into squares
– 2 stalks celery diagonally cut into 1/2 inch slices
– 1 medium cucumber seeded and cut into 1/4 inch wide pieces
1. For marinade, combine soy sauce, sherry, sugar and egg yolk in large bowl. Add pork; mix to coat well. Cover and refrigerate 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
3. Drain pineapple, reserving syrup. Combine the syrup, reserved soy sauce marinade, vinegar and tomato sauce in a small bowl. Blend remaining 2 tablespoons cornstarch and the water in another small bowl.
4. Heat remaining 3 tablespoons oil in wok over high heat. Add all vegetables and stir-fry 3 minutes. Add pineapple syrup mixture and cornstarch mixture; cook and stir until sauce boils and thickens. Add pork and pineapple; stir- fry until heated through.
Serve with hot white rice and enjoy!
Παρασκευή 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2015
Top 5 Weekday Menus for Weight Watchers

Watching the size of your waistline doesn’t need to be tasteless! At Skinny Ms., we work hard to create and find healthy weekday meals that are good for the body and tasty on the tongue, and we’ve come up with some of the top weekday meal plans from Weight Watchers to help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals. Forget about meal planning this week, we’ve got you covered!

Breakfast: Whole Grain Banana Blueberry Pancakes (Points: 6 | Points Plus: 7) Pancakes on a busy Monday? You bet! The secret is to make them ahead of time, and refrigerate or freeze them so they’re ready to heat and serve.
Lunch: Skinny Burrito in a Jar (Points: 3 | Points Plus: 4) Prepare this perfectly-portioned healthy lunch recipe in just 5 minutes or less. And there’s no cooking required, which is why it’s part of our top weekday meal plans round-up.
Dinner: Skinny Quinoa Skillet Supper (Points: 4 | Points Plus: 5) Weight loss recipes for dinner don’t get any tastier than this yummy crowd-pleaser.
Day # 2
image: http://cdn.skinnyms.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Pita-Pocket-Breakfast-Sandwich.jpg

Lunch: Root Vegetable Salad (Points: 1 | Points Plus: 2) These filling veggies are topped off with Sweet Potato Crunchies for the perfect blend of savory and sweet.
Dinner: Skinny Slow Cooker Chicken Pot Roast (Points: 3 | Points Plus: 2) This good-for-you roast is the perfect answer for a busy weeknight—it’s big on taste and provides plenty of satisfying protein.
Day # 3
image: http://cdn.skinnyms.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Veggie-Pesto-Sandwich-copy.jpg

Lunch: Veggie and Pesto Sandwich (Points: 5 | Points Plus: 7) With just 260 calories, this is a delicious lunchtime choice for any Weight Watchers menu.
Dinner: Skinny Chicken Fajitas (Points: 5 | Points Plus: 7) Our fajita dish is one of those healthy weekday meals that pairs well with Skinny Mexican Rice.
Day # 4
image: http://cdn.skinnyms.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Slow-Cooker-Cheesy-Spaghetti-with-Turkey-Sausage1.jpg

Lunch: Rainbow Salad (Points: 2 | Points Plus: 2) SUPERFOOD alert! This salad has the perfect mix of foods high on fiber and nutrients. Pair it with the Honey-Lemon Dressing recipe (Points: 3 | Points Plus: 3) included with the link above.
Dinner: Skinny Slow Cooker Cheesy Spaghetti with Turkey Sausage (Points: 6 | Points Plus: 7) Yes, there is such a thing as comfort food weight loss recipes—and this is one of our favorites. It’s super-simple to make, so it’s ideal for dinner near the end of a long week.
Day # 5
image: http://cdn.skinnyms.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Wake-Me-Up-Keep-Me-Going-Smoothie.jpg

Lunch: Greek Pita Sandwich (Points: 5 | Points Plus: 6) When you need healthy weekday meals, this yummy sandwich is hard to beat. The pita-style sandwich also makes a convenient choice for those at-desk lunches (yeah, we have those lunches, too).
Dinner: Barbequed Beans and Chicken Joes (Points: 6 | Points Plus: 8) This dish is great for your waistline, plus it has all the taste everyone in the family will love. Kid friendly!
Πέμπτη 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2015
Sweet Mustard Broccoli Salad
Sweet Mustard Broccoli Salad
- 1 pound broccoli, with stems
- ½ medium red onion, sliced into quarter moons
- ½ cup sunflower seeds, toasted
- 1 apple, cored and diced
- ¼ cup parsley, chopped fine
- Sweet Dijon Dressing
- 3 tablespoons Dijon Mustard
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- 1 teaspoon sea salt
- ½ teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
- Place a large pot of water on to boil. Trim stems off of broccoli and cut florets into bite sized pieces. Blanch broccoli for 1 minutes and then rinse with cool water. Julienne stems and place broccoli and stems in a large bowl. Add onion, sunflower seeds, apple and parsley.
- Combine dressing ingredients in a blender and process until well combined. Toss with broccoli mixture and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Serve cold.
5 Day Beginner’s Kettlebell Challenge
5 Day Beginner’s Kettlebell Challenge
Kettlebells are geared toward full-body exercise. Kettlebell workouts tend to utilize compound movements, which incorporate multiple muscle groups at once. This gives you twice the workout in half the time!
We’ve created a 5-day challenge to introduce you to the impact of kettlebells. This challenge will show you some dynamic moves you may have never thought to perform with weights. New workouts always bring new results. Push through this challenge, and you’ll love kettlebells, along with your new body.
Equipment Needed: Interval Timer (Gymboss is a free app download), one kettlebell (start with a light weight)
What To Do: Read the workouts below and watch the videos to get familiarized with the movements. This 5-day routine starts off with a basic introduction to movements and transitions into workouts to get your body more comfortable while you adjust to the kettlebell.
We’ve created a 5-day challenge to introduce you to the impact of kettlebells. This challenge will show you some dynamic moves you may have never thought to perform with weights. New workouts always bring new results. Push through this challenge, and you’ll love kettlebells, along with your new body.
Equipment Needed: Interval Timer (Gymboss is a free app download), one kettlebell (start with a light weight)
What To Do: Read the workouts below and watch the videos to get familiarized with the movements. This 5-day routine starts off with a basic introduction to movements and transitions into workouts to get your body more comfortable while you adjust to the kettlebell.
1. Kettlebell Swings
2. Goblet Squat
3. Military Press
4. Russian Twist
5. Clean & Press
6. Sumo Dead-lift
7. Snatch
8. Halo
9. Slingshot
10 Squat Curl
11. Bent Over Row
Day 1 — Move Intro
You’ll perform every exercise above for 10 reps. Alternating sides for single-arm workouts. Rest 15 seconds between each exercise and 1 minute after the first circuit. Repeat twice.
Day 2
Perform each each exercise for 1 minute. 45 second rest in between. Repeat 2 times.
1. Kettlebell Swings
2. Military Press (each side)
3. Clean & Press (each side)
4. Halo
5. Snatch (each side)
6. Russian Twist
Day 3
Perform each exercise for 12 reps. 1 minute rest in between. Repeat 3 times.
1. Bent Over Row (each side)
2. Clean & Press (each side)
3. Kettlebell Swings
4. Halo
Day 4 — Kettlebell Tabata Workout
20 seconds of work. 10 second rest. Repeat 2 times.
1. Russian Twist
2. Goblet Squat & Curl
3. Kettlebell Swings
4. Halo
Day 5
Perform each exercise for 1 minute. After 1 full circuit, rest for 1 minute. Complete 2 circuits.
1. Russian Twists
2. Sumo Deadlift
3. Bent Over Row (each side)
4. Russian Twists
5. Slingshot
6. Kettlebell Swings (each side)
7. Russian Twists
8. Snatch (each side)
1. Kettlebell Swings
2. Goblet Squat
3. Military Press
4. Russian Twist
5. Clean & Press
6. Sumo Dead-lift
7. Snatch
8. Halo
9. Slingshot
10 Squat Curl
11. Bent Over Row
Day 1 — Move Intro
You’ll perform every exercise above for 10 reps. Alternating sides for single-arm workouts. Rest 15 seconds between each exercise and 1 minute after the first circuit. Repeat twice.
Day 2
Perform each each exercise for 1 minute. 45 second rest in between. Repeat 2 times.
1. Kettlebell Swings
2. Military Press (each side)
3. Clean & Press (each side)
4. Halo
5. Snatch (each side)
6. Russian Twist
Day 3
Perform each exercise for 12 reps. 1 minute rest in between. Repeat 3 times.
1. Bent Over Row (each side)
2. Clean & Press (each side)
3. Kettlebell Swings
4. Halo
Day 4 — Kettlebell Tabata Workout
20 seconds of work. 10 second rest. Repeat 2 times.
1. Russian Twist
2. Goblet Squat & Curl
3. Kettlebell Swings
4. Halo
Day 5
Perform each exercise for 1 minute. After 1 full circuit, rest for 1 minute. Complete 2 circuits.
1. Russian Twists
2. Sumo Deadlift
3. Bent Over Row (each side)
4. Russian Twists
5. Slingshot
6. Kettlebell Swings (each side)
7. Russian Twists
8. Snatch (each side)
Τετάρτη 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2015
101 Fresh whole-food healthy snacks

For many busy people (including me), the most dangerous time for lapsing into a bad habit (junk food) is when hunger strikes at an inconvenient moment. And the most dangerous of all could be pseudo-healthy packaged foods (non-fat chemical pudding bars, “diet” desserts, etc.)
Keep these healthy snacks on hand for when that happens, and you’ll be ready to power through even the busiest days!
1. Spicy Black Beans add 1 tbsp salsa to 1/4 cup black beans; top with greek yogurt for a creamy kick
2. Raw veggies and Hummus (with red/green pepper strips is easy and delicious)
3. Jicama sticks sprinkle with lime juice and dip in chili powder – crunchy and delicious!
4. Avocado cut in half, remove pit, sprinkle with lime, salt and olive oil and eat (I could live on this)
5. Plain Yogurt or Kefir topped with nuts and/or fruit
6. Use Cucumber slices as Crackers Spread them with hummus, super-thin cheese slices, or olive tapenade
7. Apple dipped in Nut butter Almond, sunflower, peanut, etc.
8. Fruit “pie” Take whatever fruits you have in the freezer and pop them into a microwave-safe container. Microwave until bubbling, add complementary spices (vanilla, cinnamon, etc.), sprinkle with some chopped nuts. Instant happy!
9. Applesauce sprinkled with fresh cinnamon
10. Banana, kale, and almond milk smoothie
11. Almonds Raw, unsalted, organic
12. Carrot-Mango Smoothie Two Carrots, 1 cup frozen mango, 2 tbsp lime juice, and about a cup of water. Blend until smooth and thank me later -)
13. Homemade Frozen Pops blend real fruit (strawberries, mango, banana, watermelon – or a mix of whatever you have!) and freeze as-is, no need to add anything at all, particularly sugar!
14. Coconut-Chia “Pudding” Few tbsp Chia in Coconut Water or Coconut Milk, wait 10 minutes, then eat or store in fridge
15. Quick Quesadilla Whole wheat (or corn) tortillas with any leftover veggies inside (keep pickled jalapeños on hand for this) – throw in cheese, or not, and microwave until warm
16. Hard Boiled Egg cut in half, add salt/pepper, and enjoy
17. Sunflower Seeds
18. Cottage Cheese add your favorite fruits and nuts
19. Trail Mix – make your own! Mix dried fruit, sunflower seeds, chopped nuts, granola, whole-grain cereal, etc.
20. Raisins
21. Lemony Avocado With Endive Dippers ⅓ chopped avocado + 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Scoop with endive leaves.
22. Rice or Quinoa Cakes Spread with Nut Butter
23. Asian pear slices
24. Dried Fruits
25. Mixed fruit salad Cut up whatever you have, and toss with one tablespoon fresh-squeezed orange juice.
26.Air-popped non-GMO popcorn
27. Inside-out mango Cut crosshatches into a (pitted) mango half, and sprinkle with lime juice and cayenne pepper. Turn inside out and eat! (yes, this is messy but worth it)
29. Sweet Potato Fries one small sweet potato sliced in thin sticks, tossed with 1 teaspoon olive oil, and baked at 400° (or hotter if your oven allows) for 10 minutes
30. Handful of olives
31. Veggie wrap Wrap a lettuce leaf around an organic pickle spear, and any veggies you have on hand (peppers, carrots, etc.), add mustard or hummus if you like
32. Blueberries
33. Ants on a Log Spread sunflower seed butter on celery and top with raisins
34. Steamed Veggies Delicious as-is, with a splash of olive oil, garlic, lemon, etc.
35. Peanut Butter and Bananas On whole wheat bread
36. Dr. Gupta’s Calming Creamy Turmeric Tea
37. Rosemary Mash Hand-mash canned white beans with olive oil and chopped fresh rosemary. Serve over radicchio leaves for color/flavor contrast.
38. Cherry Tomatoes Give them a quick broil with a dash of olive oil if you’re craving something warm
39. Organic String Cheese
40. Small Green Salad Add a spritz of lemon/olive oil dressing
41. Bean salad Whatever canned beans you have, plus diced onion, any herbs on hand, and add a glug of olive oil and vinegar
42. Kabobs veggies on a stick, lightly broiled in the oven
43. Organic Carrots slice on the bias into “chips” for fun
44. Grilled Pineapple Put on the grill or a skillet on medium heat for 2 minutes or until golden
45. Baked Apples One smallish apple, cored, filled with 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and baked until tender
46. Warm Pumpkin Seeds 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds baked at for 400° for 15 minutes or until brown. Sprinkle with a bit of salt.
47. Strawberries, fresh; if frozen, microwave until hot and serve as a warm strawberry soup!
48. Veggie Egg Salad Low-fat tortilla rolled around egg salad and shredded carrots
49. Warm Tomatoes Cut plum tomatoes in half, broil with 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese
50. Bowl of bran flakes Add 1/2 cup milk (or substitute) and berries
51. Guacamole with veggies (my personal favorite!)
52. Trisquits (the original ones with just 3 ingredients) dipped in cottage cheese or hummus
53. Cashews
54. Sugar Snap Peas I love to put a bag of these out instead of popcorn on family movie night – they disappear!
55. Half of a fresh peach with a scoop of cottage cheese in the middle
56. 2-Ingredient Creamy Garlic Broccoli
57. Strawberry Salad 1 cup raw spinach with ½ cup sliced strawberries, 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, and a dollop of dijon mustard
58. Baked (or microwaved) potato topped with salsa
59. Apricots
60. Peanut Butter Yogurt Dip with fresh fruit
61. Frozen Grapes Red and green, seedless
62. Cheesy Roasted Asparagus drizzle asparagus spears with olive oil and grated parmesan cheese, bake for 10 minutes at 400°
63. Banana Smoothie ½ cup sliced frozen banana (or add a little ice), ¼ cup plain yogurt, blended until smooth
64. Fruit Chips Crispy dehydrated apples, pears, etc – YUM!)
65. Tropical Juice Smoothie ¼ cup pineapple juice, orange juice, apple juice, and any frozen fruit you have on hand, blended
66. No-Chop Gazpacho Combine tomato juice, cucumber, bell peppers and onion in a mini chopper/blender; pulse just until chunky. Add a splash of red wine vinegar.
67. Frozen Banana Peel before freezing
68. Oatmeal simple and delicious
69. Sliced tomato with a sprinkle of feta and olive oil
70. Kale Chips Tear kale leaves into large pieces and place on a baking sheet. Spritz with olive oil and bake at 375° until crisp. While still warm, sprinkle with salt.
71. Stuffed Mushrooms Briefly microwave button mushroom caps until softened. Fill with leftover pesto or tomato sauce
72. A couple of squares of dark chocolate 70% cacao or more
73. Sun dried tomatoes (real ones – click here for the best explanation I’ve seen)
74. Chickpea Poppers Completely dry canned chickpeas. Mix with a bit of extra-virgin olive oil, season with dried oregano and garlic salt and roast at 400° until crisp.
75. Cocoa nibs over canned pears
76. Pecans
77. Frosty Melon Blend honeydew with plain yogurt, and ice if desired.
78. Nutty Banana Blend Blend frozen banana with fresh peanuts and a splash of almond milk.
79. Orange or Grapefruit slices
80. Pistachios
81. Stuffed Figs Split plump dried figs and stuff with toasted hazelnuts. (this is from Rachel Ray, and is DELICIOUS)
82. Strawberry-Banana Smoothie Frozen strawberries and bananas blended with a little almond milk (or similar). Easy peasy and delicious.
83. Edamame Easy to keep on hand in freezer
84. Baby potatoes Microwave them for 3 to 5 minutes, sprinkle with pepper and sea salt
85. Roast Cauliflower Sprinkle with olive oil, pop in oven and pull out when browned. Eat.
86. Radish Slices slice thinly and enjoy all the crunch of a potato chip, with none of the nasty.
87. Tortilla “Pizza” Add thin tomato slices (remove seeds/liquid) and finely sliced/diced fresh veggies to a basic whole wheat tortilla. Bake directly on the rack in a toaster oven for about 10 minutes at 350 – delicious even without cheese!
88. Whole grain cracker smeared with goat cheese Add an apple slice or grape for extra deliciousness
89. Watermelon + pistachios + lime juice
90. Sliced Cantaloupe
91. Ear of (non-GMO) corn wrap in damp paper towel, pop in microwave, add fresh ground salt and pepper
92. Canned soup Lentil and black bean are particularly filling (look for organic varieties, stock up when on sale)
93. Pecans
94. Mixed veggies Easy to keep on hand in freezer, pop a cup or two in the microwave for a delicious quick snack/meal
95. Black Bean Hummus Puree drained black beans with garlic clove, and a dash of lemon juice, tahini, and cumin
96. Apple Quesadillas put thinly sliced apple and a tiny bit of grated cheddar on a whole wheat tortilla, quickly warm in a pan and serve
97. Easy Tzatziki blend organic Greek yogurt with sliced cucumbers, garlic, olive oil and a squeeze of lemon. Let flavors combine then scoop up with raw veggies.
98. Acai bowl blend unsweetened frozen acai pulp (available at many supermarkets) with just about any liquid (recommend almond milk or coconut water) and some greens of your choice. Put in bowl and top with diced fruit, nuts, etc.
99. Cucumber salad Sliced cucumber, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper
100. Grated carrot salad Grate a carrot or two, add some bits of red onion and sprinkle with a mix of red wine vinegar and dijon mustard.
101. A softly scrambled egg, with a little freshly ground salt & pepper … simple and delicious!
Τρίτη 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2015
Kettlebell Fat-Burning Workout
Kettlebell Fat-Burning Workout
This workout is a fat-burner that will tone every muscle in your
body. Kettlebell workouts are great for sculpting sleek muscles and
burning off excess fat. Let’s get working!
What To Do: Following along with the video demonstration for this workout. The workout lasts approximately 13 minutes. Rest as needed.
Quinoa Protein Power Bars
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour, 20 minutes
Yield: 12 servings
* Chef’s Tip: *If you’re looking to make sure this recipe is completely gluten-free, only use ingredients that are certified as gluten-free. Certain products, like oats, are prone to cross-contamination in factories which process ingredients containing wheat, so be sure to read the label carefully.
1/2 c. quinoa (raw)
1/2 c. chia seeds
1/4 c. flax seeds
1/4 c. shredded coconut, sweetened
1 c. rolled oats / old fashioned oatmeal*
1/2 c. almonds, chopped
1/2 c. dried blueberries
2/3 c. peanut butter
2/3 c. maple syrup
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. cardamom
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Instructions Preheat oven to 177 C. Line the interior of a 9 x 9 x 2-inch (23 x 23 x 5 cm) baking pan with plastic wrap.
Combine the quinoa, chia, flax, coconut, oatmeal and almonds on a sheet tray and bake for 5-10 minutes until lightly browned.
Meanwhile, in a large pot, mix the peanut butter and maple syrup together and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in the salt, cinnamon, cardamom, and vanilla extract.
Add the toasted ingredients and dried blueberries, and stir until evenly coated.
Pour the mixture into the prepared baking pan and pack it down to ensure it fills into each corner and creates an even, flat surface on top. Allow to cool and refrigerate for at least 1 hour to set.
Once set, gently remove the hardened mixture from the pan by lifting by the plastic wrap, and cut into twelve 1.5 x 4.5-inch (3.8 x 11.4 cm) bars.
Gifting Idea:
Create your own wrapper for each bar by covering them in a small sheet of parchment paper secured with a twine bow. Not only is this a beautiful way to present them, it is also practical as one can easily grab one on the go for a nutritious energy boost. While best when consumed fresh, these bars should last for up to 4 weeks if stored in an air-tight container and kept in a cool, dry place.
Servings 12, Calories 248, Fat 13.4g, Carbohydrates 27.6g, Protein 8.3g, Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 120mg, Potassium 291mg, Fiber 5.8g, Sugars 12.8g, WW Pts 7
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour, 20 minutes
Yield: 12 servings
* Chef’s Tip: *If you’re looking to make sure this recipe is completely gluten-free, only use ingredients that are certified as gluten-free. Certain products, like oats, are prone to cross-contamination in factories which process ingredients containing wheat, so be sure to read the label carefully.
1/2 c. quinoa (raw)
1/2 c. chia seeds
1/4 c. flax seeds
1/4 c. shredded coconut, sweetened
1 c. rolled oats / old fashioned oatmeal*
1/2 c. almonds, chopped
1/2 c. dried blueberries
2/3 c. peanut butter
2/3 c. maple syrup
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. cardamom
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Instructions Preheat oven to 177 C. Line the interior of a 9 x 9 x 2-inch (23 x 23 x 5 cm) baking pan with plastic wrap.
Combine the quinoa, chia, flax, coconut, oatmeal and almonds on a sheet tray and bake for 5-10 minutes until lightly browned.
Meanwhile, in a large pot, mix the peanut butter and maple syrup together and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in the salt, cinnamon, cardamom, and vanilla extract.
Add the toasted ingredients and dried blueberries, and stir until evenly coated.
Pour the mixture into the prepared baking pan and pack it down to ensure it fills into each corner and creates an even, flat surface on top. Allow to cool and refrigerate for at least 1 hour to set.
Once set, gently remove the hardened mixture from the pan by lifting by the plastic wrap, and cut into twelve 1.5 x 4.5-inch (3.8 x 11.4 cm) bars.
Gifting Idea:
Create your own wrapper for each bar by covering them in a small sheet of parchment paper secured with a twine bow. Not only is this a beautiful way to present them, it is also practical as one can easily grab one on the go for a nutritious energy boost. While best when consumed fresh, these bars should last for up to 4 weeks if stored in an air-tight container and kept in a cool, dry place.
Servings 12, Calories 248, Fat 13.4g, Carbohydrates 27.6g, Protein 8.3g, Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 120mg, Potassium 291mg, Fiber 5.8g, Sugars 12.8g, WW Pts 7
17 Kettlebell Exercises for Total Body Toning
17 Kettle bell Exercises for Total Body Tonin
1. Kettlebell Swing
This move works your core (abs and back), glutes, hips, legs, and shoulders! That’s a whole lot of body toning for one kettlebell move! Begin with your feet hip width apart and hold the kettlebell with both hands between your legs. Inhale and lower into a squat position. Exhale and powerfully press your weight into your heels while swinging the weight up to eye level. Repeat 15 times.
2. Figure 8
Target your arms, back, and toned abs with this kettlebell exercise. Begin with bent legs, feet hip width apart, and hinged forward at your hips with a straight back. Weave the kettle bell between your legs in an “8” shape, switching hands with the kettle bell. Weave 8 times in one direction and 8 times in the other!
3. Kettlebell Front Squats
Squats tone your glutes and legs, but hold a kettle bell during your squat and you’ll also target your arms, shoulders, and abs! Perform a regular squat while also holding the kettle bell with both hands and straight arms at chest level. Lower into a squat and stand back up, keeping your arms stationary, 15 times.
Once you have the moves down pact, try our 4 Minute Kettlebell Fat Blaster – Burn Fat Up to 24 Hours.
4. Kettlebell Overhead Press
Sculpt sleek shoulders with the one! Stand with your feet hip width apart and hold a kettlebell with one hand at shoulder height. As you exhale, press the kettlebell overhead while straightening your arm. Perform 15 single arm overhead presses on each side.
5. Plie Squat
Target your inner thighs and glutes with this kettlebell exercise. Stand with your feet as wide as possible, toes turned out to your sides, and shoulders stacked over your hips. Hold your kettle bell with both hands and let it hang between your legs. Inhale and sit down into a plie squat. Exhale as you press back up to straight legs. Repeat 15 times!
Ready to take your kettlebell workout up a notch? Our Kettlebell Craze Workout will test every muscle fiber.
6. Windmills
This kettlebell body toning move is your secret weapon to killer abs. Stand with your feet wider than hip width apart, legs straight, and a kettlebell in one hand. Raise the kettlebell up over your shoulder with a straight arm. Keeping your arm straight and back flat, lower the kettlebell towards your opposite foot. Rise back up and repeat 15 times before switching sides. Keep your belly button tight against your spine throughout this one!
7. Single Leg Deadlift
This kettle bell exercise is one of the BEST moves for great glutes! Hold the kettlebell in one hand, down in front of your body. Inhale and bring all of your weight onto your opposite leg, leaning forward with a straight back. Inhale to come back to a standing position. Perform 15 on each side! Don’t forget to switch hands with your kettlebell, too!
8. Curl + Press
Tone your entire upper body in one move! Hold your kettle bell in one hand down by your hip with your palm facing the side of your body. As you exhale, curl your arm up towards your shoulder then press your kettlebell straight overhead. Inhale as you slowly lower back down to your starting position. Try 15 of these on each arm.
9. Russian Twist
Wow! Check out your abs! That’s what people will be saying after a few weeks of this one! Sit on the ground with your knees bent and feet pressed firmly into the floor. Hold your kettlebell with both hands down by one hip. Keep your back straight and abs tight as you twist the kettlebell over to the other side. Try to hit the kettle bell to the floor 10 times on each side.
10. One Arm Kettlebell Lunge
This kettlebell body toning exercise is no joke, so be sure to follow these form tips! Hold your kettle bell overhead with one hand. Keeping your arm straight, lower down into a lunge with your opposite leg leading. Beginners should continue with a stationary lunge, lifting and lowering your hips 10-15 times before switching sides. More experienced exercisers can alternate lunges, stepping one foot out in front then the other. For the latter option, switch hands with your kettlebell after eight lunges on each leg.
At the right tempo, kettlebells amazing for burning fat. Our Kettlebell Fat Burning Workout will slim and tone your body to perfection.
11. Uneven Push-up
Target your chest, arm, and ab muscles with this kettlebell exercise! Come into a push-up position (modified for beginners, full for intermediate and advanced) with one kettlebell under one hand. Lower down into a push-up 5-10 times, then switch hands with your kettlebell.
12. Half Get-Up
Here’s another abdominal-toning kettlebell move. This one also targets your arms for an all-over toned upper body. Lie on the floor with your legs flat and your kettle bell pressed overhead with one hand. Exhale as you roll your body up to a seated position, engaging your abs. Do this by bending your opposite knee and pushing yourself up with your opposite hand. Slowly lower back down after you’ve come to a full, seated position. Do 8-10 of these on each side!
13. Bent Row
This kettlebell toning exercise is great for your posture and for toning your arms and back! With a slight bend in your knees, bend forward at your hips so that your shoulders are pointing towards the ground. Hold a kettlebell in one hand with a bent elbow and your upper arm in line with your torso. Row your arm back, raising your elbow up and tightening your back muscles. Do this 15 times before switching sides.
14. Around the World
Tone your entire body with this kettlebell exercise! Stand tall with your belly button pulled in towards your spine. Hold your kettlebell in one hand in front of your hips. Move the kettlebell behind your body to switch it over to the other hand. Continue to rotate around your body, 10 times in one direction, then 10 times in the other.
15. Renegade Row
This kettlebell exercise is a challenge but will tone your entire body, too. Start with 5 repetitions on each side and progress up to 15 from there! Start in a plank position with one kettlebell under one hand. Exhale and row that arm up, pulling the weight with you and squeezing your shoulder blade muscles together. Lower and repeat for your desired number of repetitions before switching to the other side.
16. Lunge + Press
Target your lower body, abs, and shoulders with this kettlebell toning exercise. Step your right foot forward and lower down into a lunge. As you press back up to a standing position, press your right arm overhead with a kettlebell in hand. Repeat 10-15 times on the right side, then switch to the other side for a toned total body!
17. Toe Touch
Sleek, skinny abs will be the results of this next move! Lie on the floor with your legs straight up in the air. Hold your kettlebell with both hands overhead. As you exhale, lift your upper body up and reach your kettlebell towards your toes. Inhale as you lower your shoulder blades down to the ground. Repeat for a total of 15 toe touches.
Δευτέρα 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2015
Felafel Crusted Chicken With Hummus Slaw
Felafel Crusted Chicken With Hummus Slaw

Total Time: 25 min
Prep : 10 min
Cook : 15 min

Total Time: 25 min
Prep : 10 min
Cook : 15 min
Yield : 4 servings
Level : Easy
Cooking spray
3 skinless, boneless chicken breasts (about 1 1/4 pounds), sliced into 1/4-inch-thick strips
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup falafel mix
2 whole-wheat pitas, halved
6 tablespoons hummus
Grated zest and juice of 1 lemon
1/2 teaspoon harissa or other hot chile paste
4 cups shredded coleslaw mix
6 radishes, halved and thinly sliced
1 cup chopped fresh parsley
Kosher salt
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Set a rack on a rimmed baking sheet and coat with cooking spray. Toss the chicken with the olive oil in a large bowl, then add the falafel mix and toss to coat. Arrange the chicken on the rack and bake until golden and cooked through, about 10 minutes. While the chicken is baking, stack the pita halves and wrap them in foil; warm in the oven, about 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, mix the hummus, lemon zest and juice, harissa and 3 tablespoons water in a large bowl. Remove 2 tablespoons of the hummus sauce and reserve. Add the coleslaw mix, radishes and parsley to the remaining hummus sauce and toss. Season with salt.
Divide the chicken among plates and drizzle with the reserved hummus sauce. Stuff the slaw in the pitas and serve with the chicken.
Per serving: Calories 366; Fat 9 g (Saturated 1 g); Cholesterol 82 mg; Sodium 587 mg; Carbohydrate 32 g; Fiber 8 g; Protein 43 g
Level : Easy
Cooking spray
3 skinless, boneless chicken breasts (about 1 1/4 pounds), sliced into 1/4-inch-thick strips
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup falafel mix
2 whole-wheat pitas, halved
6 tablespoons hummus
Grated zest and juice of 1 lemon
1/2 teaspoon harissa or other hot chile paste
4 cups shredded coleslaw mix
6 radishes, halved and thinly sliced
1 cup chopped fresh parsley
Kosher salt
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Set a rack on a rimmed baking sheet and coat with cooking spray. Toss the chicken with the olive oil in a large bowl, then add the falafel mix and toss to coat. Arrange the chicken on the rack and bake until golden and cooked through, about 10 minutes. While the chicken is baking, stack the pita halves and wrap them in foil; warm in the oven, about 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, mix the hummus, lemon zest and juice, harissa and 3 tablespoons water in a large bowl. Remove 2 tablespoons of the hummus sauce and reserve. Add the coleslaw mix, radishes and parsley to the remaining hummus sauce and toss. Season with salt.
Divide the chicken among plates and drizzle with the reserved hummus sauce. Stuff the slaw in the pitas and serve with the chicken.
Per serving: Calories 366; Fat 9 g (Saturated 1 g); Cholesterol 82 mg; Sodium 587 mg; Carbohydrate 32 g; Fiber 8 g; Protein 43 g
Pan Grilled Salmon with Pineapple Salsa
Pan Grilled Salmon with Pineapple Salsa

1 cup chopped fresh pineapple
2 tablespoons finely chopped red onion
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
1/8 teaspoon ground red pepper
Olive oil cooking spray
4 (6-ounce) salmon fillets (about 1/2-inch thick)
1/2 teaspoon salt

1 cup chopped fresh pineapple
2 tablespoons finely chopped red onion
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
1/8 teaspoon ground red pepper
Olive oil cooking spray
4 (6-ounce) salmon fillets (about 1/2-inch thick)
1/2 teaspoon salt
Combine first 5 ingredients (through pepper) in a bowl; set aside.
Heat a nonstick grill pan coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat. Sprinkle fish with salt. Cook fish 4 minutes on each side or until it flakes easily when tested with a fork. Top with salsa.
Combine first 5 ingredients (through pepper) in a bowl; set aside.
Heat a nonstick grill pan coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat. Sprinkle fish with salt. Cook fish 4 minutes on each side or until it flakes easily when tested with a fork. Top with salsa.
Αναμειγνύουμε όλα τα υλικά μαζί και πλάθουμε μπισκότα στο μέγεθος της αρεσκείας μας. Στρώνουμε μια λαδόκολλα σε ένα ταψί, τοποθετούμε και ψήνουμε για 14-16 λεπτά στους 180 βαθμούς.
- 200 γρ ταχίνι
- 200 γρ βρώμη
- 150 γρ μέλι ή χαρουπόμελο
- Ξύσμα 1 πορτοκαλιού
- 2 scoop πρωτεΐνη βανίλια
- 2 κ.σ. σουσάμι
- 1 κ.σ. κανέλλα
- 1 κ.γ. γαρίφαλο
Αναμειγνύουμε όλα τα υλικά μαζί και πλάθουμε μπισκότα στο μέγεθος της αρεσκείας μας. Στρώνουμε μια λαδόκολλα σε ένα ταψί, τοποθετούμε και ψήνουμε για 14-16 λεπτά στους 180 βαθμούς.
Κυριακή 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2015
Σκυφτές πλάγιες οπίσθιες άρσεις αλτήρων (πίσω δελτοειδής)

Preparation- Sit on edge of bench with feet placed beyond knees. Bend over and rest torso on thighs. Grasp dumbbells with each hand under legs. Position elbows with slight bend with palms facing together behind ankles (as shown) or just to sides of ankles.
- Raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain upper arms perpendicular to torso and fixed elbow position (10° to 30° angle) throughout exercise. Maintain elbows height above wrists by raising "pinkie finger" side up. Lower and repeat.
- Dumbbells are raised by shoulder transverse abduction, not external rotation, nor extension. Upper arm should travel in perpendicular path to torso to minimize relatively powerful latissimus dorsi involvement. This mean at top of movement, elbows (not necessarily dumbbells) should be directly lateral to shoulders since elbows are slightly bent forward. To exercise posterior deltoid and not lateral deltoid, keep upper torso close to horizontal. Positioning upper torso at 45° is not sufficient angle to target rear deltoids. The spine can be flexed to achieve this positioning if thighs can provide sufficient support for torso. Some individuals may not be able to bend sufficiently at hip due to flexibility or girth constraints. Also see Rear Lateral Raise Errors and Low Back Alignment Exceptions.
. Εξωτερικές στροφές αλτήρων από οριζόντια θέση (πλάτη-υπακάνθιος)

Preparation- Lie on side with legs separated for support. Grasp dumbbell and position elbow against side and forearm across belly.
- Lift dumbbell by rotating shoulder. Return and repeat. Flip over and continue with opposite arm.
- Maintain elbow against side and fixed elbow position (90°
angle) throughout exercise. Placing towel roll under arm increase
infraspinatus and teres minor EMG signal 20% to 25% compared
to no towel roll (Reinold MM, et
al. 2004). Also see Dumbbell Shoulder External Rotation Errors.
Μονόζυγο (πλάτη)

Preparation- Step up and grasp bar with wide overhand grip. Step down onto assistance lever or platform.
- Pull body up until the chin is just above the bar. Lower body until arms and shoulders are fully extended. Repeat.
- If no assisted machine is used, assist as needed by allowing training partner to pull feet up behind legs or push self up with legs on elevation. Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide.
. Ανασηκώσεις ώμων με αλτήρες (άνω τραπεζοειδείς)

Preparation- Stand holding dumbbells to sides.
- Elevate shoulders as high as possible. Lower and repeat.
- Exercise may be performed standing perfectly upright or very slightly bent over. Since this movement becomes more difficult as full shoulder elevation is achieved, height criteria for shoulder elevation may be needed. For example, raising shoulders until slope of shoulders becomes horizontal may be considered adequate depending upon individual body structure and range of motion with lighter weight. Also see ROM Criteria and Shoulder Shrug Errors.
Σκυφτή κωπηλατική με αλτήρες (πλάτη, μέσοι και κάτω τραπεζοειδείς)

Preparation- Kneel over side of bench by placing knee and hand of supporting arm on bench. Position foot of opposite leg slightly back to side. Grasp dumbbell from floor.
- Pull dumbbell to up to side until it makes contact with ribs or until upper arm is just beyond horizontal. Return until arm is extended and shoulder is stretched downward. Repeat and continue with opposite arm.
- Allow scapula to articulate but do not rotate torso in effort to throw weight up. Torso should be close to horizontal. Positioning supporting knee and/or arm slightly forward or back will allow for proper levelling of torso. Torso may be positioned lower to allow for heavier dumbbell to make contact with floor, if desired.
Άρσεις γαστροκνημιαίων με ένα πόδι (γάμπες)

Preparation- Grasp dumbbell in one hand to side. Position toes and balls of feet on calf block with arches and heels extending off. Place hand on support for balance. Lift other leg to rear by bending knee.
- Raise heel by extending ankle as high as possible. Lower heel by bending ankle until calf is stretched. Repeat. Continue with opposite leg.
- Exercise step that will not overturn can be used as calf block. Keep knees straight throughout exercise or bend knees slightly only during stretch. Quadriceps serve as synergists muscle if knee is bent slightly during stretch. Use lighter load if you need to assist with hands used for support or use both feet.
Προβολές με αλτήρες (τετρακέφαλοι + γλουτιαίοι)

Preparation- Stand with dumbbells grasped to sides.
- Lunge forward with first leg. Land on heel then forefoot. Lower body by flexing knee and hip of front leg until knee of rear leg is almost in contact with floor. Return to original standing position by forcibly extending hip and knee of forward leg. Repeat by alternating lunge with opposite leg.
- Keep torso upright during lunge; flexible hip flexors are important. Lead knee should point same direction as foot throughout lunge. A long lunge emphasizes Gluteus Maximus; short lunge emphasizes Quadriceps.
Άρσεις θανάτου αλτήρων με ίσια πόδια (μηριαίοι δικέφαλοι + χαμηλή πλάτη)

Preparation- Stand with shoulder width or narrower stance. Grasp dumbbells to sides.
- With knees straight, lower dumbbells to top or sides of feet by bending hips. Bend waist as bar approaches feet. Lift dumbbells by extending hips and waist until standing upright. Pull shoulders back slightly if rounded. Repeat.
- Begin with very light weight and add additional weight gradually to allow lower back adequate adaptation. Throughout lift, keep arms and knees straight. Keep dumbbells close to legs. Do not pause or bounce at bottom of lift. Lower back may bend slightly during full hip flexion phase. Do not lower weight beyond mild stretch throughout hamstrings and low back. Full range of motion will vary from person to person depending on flexibility. See Dangerous Exercise Essay. Also see Straight Back Straight Leg Deadlift.
2. Κάθισμα με αλτήρες (πόδια + γλουτιαίοι)

Preparation- Stand with dumbbells grasped to sides.
- Squat down by bending hips back while allowing knees to bend forward, keeping back straight and knees pointed same direction as feet. Descend until thighs are just past parallel to floor. Extend knees and hips until legs are straight. Return and repeat.
- Keep head facing forward, back straight, chest high, arms straight to sides, and feet flat on floor; equal distribution of weight through forefoot and heel. Knees should point same direction as feet throughout movement. See Squat Analysis.
Σάββατο 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2015
The Best Vegan Black Bean Brownies Ever
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 12 brownies
- 1 15-ounce can black beans, rinsed and drained
- ½ c. cocoa powder
- ¼ c. oats
- ½ t. sea salt
- ½ t. baking soda
- ¼ c. coconut sugar
- ⅛ t. powdered stevia extract
- ¼ c. maple syrup (you can also use raw honey if not vegan)
- ¼ c. coconut oil, melted
- 2 t. vanilla
- 1-2 T. water, as needed
- 3 T. dark chocolate chips, optional
- Preheat the oven to 180 C degrees.
- Process all the ingredients (except the chocolate chips) until smooth and well combined.
- Add water in as needed to create a pourable, but thick, batter.
- Pulse in the chocolate chips, if using.
- Pour the batter into a well-oiled 8 x 8 baking dish.
- Bake for 20-25 minutes (knife or toothpick should come out clean).
- Put the brownies in the fridge to cool (still in the pan), untouched for about 30 minutes. This is crucial to keeping the shape of the brownie, as there is no binding agent present.
- Once cooled, cut and serve!
Nutrition facts are based on making the recipe without the optional chocolate chips. Weight Watchers points (new system): 5
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1/12 of recipe Calories: 209 Fat: 5.6 g Saturated fat: 4.4 g Unsaturated fat: 1.2 g Trans fat: 0 g Carbohydrates: 33.7 g Sugar: 8.8 g Sodium: 133 mg Fiber: 6.6 g Protein: 8.5 g Cholesterol: 0 mg
Παρασκευή 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2015
Bruschetta Chicken
Protein: 55 Grams
1/2 cup flour
2 eggs, beaten
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
1/4 cup crushed garlic croutons (or your own bread crumbs)
1 tablespoon butter, melted
2 large tomatoes
3 tablespoons minced fresh basil
2 garlic cloves, minced (appox. 1 teaspoon)
1 tablespoon olive oil
salt & pepper to taste
Protein: 55 Grams
1/2 cup flour
2 eggs, beaten
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
1/4 cup crushed garlic croutons (or your own bread crumbs)
1 tablespoon butter, melted
2 large tomatoes
3 tablespoons minced fresh basil
2 garlic cloves, minced (appox. 1 teaspoon)
1 tablespoon olive oil
salt & pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease 9x13 baking dish. Place flour & beaten eggs in separate shallow bowls. Dip chicken into flour, then into eggs. Place into baking dish. Combine parmesan cheese, crushed croutons, & melted butter then sprinkle on chicken. Loosely cover with foil. Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until top is browned and chicken is cooked through. Chop tomatoes and combine with last ingredients. Spoon mixture over chicken, and return to oven for 5-7 minutes or until tomato mixture is heated through.
*note: bruschetta (tomatoes, garlic, basil, olive oil) can also be made in blender.
Cooking Time: 50 Minutes
Recipes Makes: 4 Servings
Calories: 494
Carbs: 18 Grams
Fat: 22 Grams
Protein: 55 Grams
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease 9x13 baking dish. Place flour & beaten eggs in separate shallow bowls. Dip chicken into flour, then into eggs. Place into baking dish. Combine parmesan cheese, crushed croutons, & melted butter then sprinkle on chicken. Loosely cover with foil. Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until top is browned and chicken is cooked through. Chop tomatoes and combine with last ingredients. Spoon mixture over chicken, and return to oven for 5-7 minutes or until tomato mixture is heated through.
*note: bruschetta (tomatoes, garlic, basil, olive oil) can also be made in blender.
Cooking Time: 50 Minutes
Recipes Makes: 4 Servings
Calories: 494
Carbs: 18 Grams
Fat: 22 Grams
Protein: 55 Grams
Πέμπτη 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2015
Honey Chili Chicken
Honey Chili Chicken
This Asian Fusion dish is a combination of sweet and spicy flavor that would give an excitement to your taste palette. Perfect to serve in family gatherings.
– 3 whole boneless, chicken breast
– 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
– 1/2 teaspoon salt
Vegetable oil for frying
– 1/3 cup water
– 1/3 cup lemon juice
– 2 teaspoons cornstarch
– 4 teaspoons Chinese chili sauce
– 2 teaspoons soy sauce
– 1 1/2 teaspoons minced fresh ginger
– 3 tablespoons honey
– 6 green onions, cut lengthwise into thin slices
– sesame seeds for garnish ( optional)
1. Rinse chicken and cut into small serving-size pieces. Combine flour and salt in large bowl. Add chicken pieces and toss to coat well.
2. Heat oil in wok or large skillet over high heat to 375°F. Add chicken, one piece at a time, cook until golden, about 5 minutes. Drain on paper towels. Repeat with remaining chicken.
3. Remove all but 1 tablespoon oil from wok. Combine water, lemon juice, cornstarch, chili sauce and soy sauce in small bowl; mix well.
4. Add ginger to wok; stir fry 1 minute. Add honey; cook and stir 1 minute. Stir in cornstarch- chili mixture; cook and stir until sauce boils, about 1 minute. Stir in chicken pieces; cook and stir until heated through, about 3 minutes. Stir in onions; cook and stir 1 minute more.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Serve hot and with rice!
Happy eating!
This Asian Fusion dish is a combination of sweet and spicy flavor that would give an excitement to your taste palette. Perfect to serve in family gatherings.
– 3 whole boneless, chicken breast
– 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
– 1/2 teaspoon salt
Vegetable oil for frying
– 1/3 cup water
– 1/3 cup lemon juice
– 2 teaspoons cornstarch
– 4 teaspoons Chinese chili sauce
– 2 teaspoons soy sauce
– 1 1/2 teaspoons minced fresh ginger
– 3 tablespoons honey
– 6 green onions, cut lengthwise into thin slices
– sesame seeds for garnish ( optional)
1. Rinse chicken and cut into small serving-size pieces. Combine flour and salt in large bowl. Add chicken pieces and toss to coat well.
2. Heat oil in wok or large skillet over high heat to 375°F. Add chicken, one piece at a time, cook until golden, about 5 minutes. Drain on paper towels. Repeat with remaining chicken.
3. Remove all but 1 tablespoon oil from wok. Combine water, lemon juice, cornstarch, chili sauce and soy sauce in small bowl; mix well.
4. Add ginger to wok; stir fry 1 minute. Add honey; cook and stir 1 minute. Stir in cornstarch- chili mixture; cook and stir until sauce boils, about 1 minute. Stir in chicken pieces; cook and stir until heated through, about 3 minutes. Stir in onions; cook and stir 1 minute more.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Serve hot and with rice!
Happy eating!
Whole Wheat English Muffins
Whole Wheat English Muffins
Yield: 10 English muffins
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes
2 1/2 cups (11 ounces or 312 grams) all-purpose flour
2 1/4 cups (9.52 ounces or 270 grams) whole wheat flour
1 1/4 teaspoons fine salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon (optional)
2 teaspoons instant yeast
1 3/4 cups whole milk
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 large egg, beaten
2 tablespoons honey
Cornmeal, for dusting
2 1/4 cups (9.52 ounces or 270 grams) whole wheat flour
1 1/4 teaspoons fine salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon (optional)
2 teaspoons instant yeast
1 3/4 cups whole milk
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 large egg, beaten
2 tablespoons honey
Cornmeal, for dusting
In a large bowl whisk together the flours, salt, baking soda, cinnamon and yeast to combine.
In a small saucepan heat the milk and butter just until the butter has melted. Let the mixture cool until just warm, no hotter than 125°F.
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook, combine the milk and butter with the egg and honey. Add the flour mixture and mix on low speed until combined. Increase speed to medium and knead for 1 minute. The dough will be sticky and wet but should form a cohesive ball.
Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface and roll out to 3/4-inch thickness. Use a 3 1/2-inch round cutter to cut out English muffin shapes, re-re rolling the dough as needed. Place the dough rounds on a cornmeal dusted baking sheet. Cover with a towel and let rise for 20 to 30 minutes, or until puffy.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 325°F.
Heat a nonstick skillet or griddle over medium heat and cook the muffins for 4 to 5 minutes per side, or until crispy and brown. Return the browned muffins to the baking sheet and finish baking in the oven for 15 minutes.
Cut in half, toast if desired, and butter the English muffins before serving. Store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.
In a small saucepan heat the milk and butter just until the butter has melted. Let the mixture cool until just warm, no hotter than 125°F.
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook, combine the milk and butter with the egg and honey. Add the flour mixture and mix on low speed until combined. Increase speed to medium and knead for 1 minute. The dough will be sticky and wet but should form a cohesive ball.
Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface and roll out to 3/4-inch thickness. Use a 3 1/2-inch round cutter to cut out English muffin shapes, re-re rolling the dough as needed. Place the dough rounds on a cornmeal dusted baking sheet. Cover with a towel and let rise for 20 to 30 minutes, or until puffy.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 325°F.
Heat a nonstick skillet or griddle over medium heat and cook the muffins for 4 to 5 minutes per side, or until crispy and brown. Return the browned muffins to the baking sheet and finish baking in the oven for 15 minutes.
Cut in half, toast if desired, and butter the English muffins before serving. Store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.
Μπάρες βρώμης με σοκολάτα
Μπάρες βρώμης με σοκολάτα
Νόστιμες και πανεύκολες μπάρες πρωτεΐνης χωρίς ζάχαρη που δεν χρειάζονται ψήσιμο!
Αυτές οι μπάρες είναι το ιδανικό σνακ για τις ώρες που ο
οργανισμός σου χρειάζεται ενέργεια. Δεν περιέχουν ζάχαρη, καλύπτουν όμως
την ανάγκη για κάτι γλυκό, προσφέροντας στον οργανισμό πρωτεΐνη και
φυτικές ίνες!Υλικά
1 φλ. φιστικοβούτυρο
½ φλ. μέλι
½ φλ. λάδι καρύδας (εάν δεν βρεις, μπορείς να το παραλείψεις, αλλά δεν θα γίνει το μίγμα τόσο κρεμώδες)
2 φλ. βρώμη
1 κουτ. σ. τριμμένη καρύδα
½ κουτ. σ. ψιλοκομμένα καρύδια
1 ½ φλ. σταγόνες μαύρης σοκολάτας
1 βανιλίνη
Πώς θα τις φτιάξεις
Σε ένα κατσαρολάκι, βάζεις σε χαμηλή φωτιά το φιστικοβούτυρο, το μέλι και το λάδι καρύδας. Μόλις λιώσουν, βγάζεις από τη φωτιά και προσθέσεις τη βρώμη, την τριμμένη καρύδα, τα καρύδια, τη σοκολάτα και τη βανιλίνη. Ανακατεύεις καλά μέχρι να λιώσει η σοκολάτα. Ρίχνεις το μίγμα σε ένα ταψάκι και το βάσεις το ψυγείο να παγώσει. Όταν σταθεροποιηθεί, το κόβεις σε μακρόστενα ή τετράγωνα κομμάτια.
Σολωμός με πορτοκάλι και κουρκουμά
Σολωμός με πορτοκάλι και κουρκουμά για μεσημεριανό
Μια εύκολη συνταγή για σολωμό με πορτοκάλι. Το γευστικό εσπεριδοειδές, δένει αρμονικά με το σολωμό.
YΛΙΚΑ- Φρέσκο φιλέτο σολωμού
- 1 πορτοκάλι
- Ελαιόλαδο
- Κουρκουμάς
- Πιπέρι καγιέν
- Μαυροπίπερο
Αχνίζετε το φιλέτο σολωμού σε τηγάνι με ½ ποτ. νερό και το χυμό από ½ πορτοκάλι. Μετά από 5 λεπτά, προσθέστε ½ πορτοκάλι κομμένο σε φέτες και λίγο ξύσμα. Προσθέστε τα μπαχαρικά. Στο τέλος προσθέστε ελάχιστο ελαιόλαδο.
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